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Dining at Grampy kitchen includes ground chicken meatballs with a yummy tomato sauce over cheese and spinach ravioli and tonight, smash bacon, cheese and tomato burgers with corn on the cob and asparagus. Just saying…..

There are trees like this all over Seattle, including in our yard, but this year they have really gone crazy!

I suppose not a real surprise but a huge bummer nevertheless. Feel better soon.

It’s almost here! Have a great road trip, take a million photos in Chicago and we will see you very soon. Xoxo

This is how we are celebrating the holiday, coffee and goodies at Petit Pierre! Totally awesome.

Grampy did it again! This time amazing, spicy chicken wings and roasted veggies. Amazing!

I actually pulled myself together and made this lemon blueberry cake for Mother’s Day. Just wiped the last bit of frosting from my lips. Yum.

@warwick_willow What a dreadful way to end such a good trip. Maybe you and Leo at least got more sleep this way.

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Baba's choices:

Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people