Totally spectacular!! Things are starting to look up. Well done you two.

Looks great. We’ll be holding our breath.

@Leo I love following along with this apt hunting. Thanks for all the photos. The kitchen on Winthrop certainly has problems but the light, air, beach location, and size of rooms are very appealing, at least from the photos. Good luck!

You are getting very detailed. I especially like the edges of the snake. Such nice, fluffy subject matter, too. Is this a reflection of life at the moment?

Grampy’s at it again. This time a lemon ricotta tart for two. He’s the one and I’m the two!

Zounds! What a photo.
You are a jet setting kinda guy these days. Can’t wait to hear more.

I think i took that picture. Does that sound right to you? What darling, shiny bright kids you all were.

I’m so glad Owen was there when you really needed someone. He is a wonderful companion, thoughtful and generous. I think your building should hire him to play piano during meals and be charming to all the older people. Free coffee in the mornings, a little apartment and meals so he could do his work…a win for everyone. I hope you are feeling better now, Pat.

I was hoping you would post some pictures. Looks pretty great there.

Fingers, toes, and eyes are crossed. Let us know what happens.

This is heartbreaking and I am so sorry you are sad. It is completely understandable..

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