oh, I also forgot- closing reception for my first show out of school! The ceramic piece next to mine is a Simons Rock ceramics grad from last year, total coincidence we were placed next to each other.

After almost two weeks my brothers just left! It was a great trip and they were wonderful guests, but of course the new York exploration & JFK drop off sunday-last night was... Rough. Rowan was very overtired & cranky for most of it, and then their flight go super delayed and I didn't get home until like 2:30am.

Didn't actually take many photos... But a very eventful trip! Got to hang out with lots of friends, see the KCAI shows, went to the new aquarium, and had a very long coffee chat with my favorite professor.

Had to completely rebook my flight and am now spending the night in Charlotte due to flight craziness (a storm I think), which took many tries to communicate with American Airlines and a lot of crying, but it is as sorted as it's gonna be now.

Did someone send us a mattress topper? Picked up the mail this morning and am very perplexed

Calendar reminder that Leo's bday is two weeks from today... start harassing him for gift ideas

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