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Same comments as B. Took a long time to get started but it finally worked.

Wonderfully still. I hope you do more. Xoxo

I suppose a piano could as but l like it a lot with just the clarinet.

Big milestone. Hope it’sa good year for both of you.

Great. It looks like a very happy birthday indeed.

You guys are really doing it! Great photos, great adventures. Love getting to see it.

Great to see camping photos. All those tools make me think there is a story here.


I wouldn’t have recognized this other, more lush and overgrown that-er- 58 years ago. Hmmm

IT IS!!!! It didn’t look the least familiar to me but i looked on my computer and yes! That’s it! Amazing! Well maybe Not amazing since you had the address but I didn’t recognize it at all. Fabulous. I’m so glad you did that.

@Leo your photos make me wish i could go back to Europe.

@Leo you guys are doing great things! So fun to see photos. Is it super hot?

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Baba's choices:

Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people