@owen i just love these tracks!
@B I’m delighted that this is back online. I have really missed it.
@Chloe i don’t know how comfy but the view is good.
@ChrisFerris. Yea for the creative team, especially the stage manager! Whoopie!
At last! A comfy place with both AC and a view. Now for a bottle of wine.
Nice setting. Impressive bruise.
Sweet little black cat. I’d be grumpy, too, if i lived under an ambulance.
It’s so much fun to get these photos. Looks like you guys are really in the swing of things.
I have fallen behind in checking things here so missed these gorgeous photos of clouds. Spectacular!
Safe trip. Hope to see you in July.
Very cool apt. Absolutely love the orange slices.
I love this view of the apartment, especially outside the window.
Very strange. I wrote a message to you last night but i don’t see it here now. Guess i haven’t quite mastered this site. I was just saying that i love hard rain and could have used some yesterday when the temperature was 90! Things have cooled off today and we should be fine til a really nasty weekend.
I also said that i hope you will free to let us know if you are in seattle. We would love to see you. I know you have people and things here so no obligation, just a welcome. Enjoy New Orleans!
It’s hard to believe that I’ve never been to New Orleans considering i lived in Florida for 20 years. I’ve always heard that it was enchanting. Hope it of for you. Thanks for the photos.
Wow! Does this mean you could have two or three seats to yourself? Luxury.