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I know. I'm not sure just how we will distinguish Christmas Eve and Day from any other day of the week. Hopefully we will check in often. Sleep well.

Yes! Perfect! And decorated already. That was fast. Does it feel festive now?

That's me voting for the ginger molasses cookies. Since I'm not going to be there you can ignore that. It's just my tribute to bygone days. They meant the world to me.

Your latest song is not coming through to me. There is no "play" arrow, just a spinning ball.

That certainly was the problem. I looked on the computer and there were the big arrows. Now I have seen everything and loved it.
Why am I awake this early? Good question! I I'm going back to sleep now. Hopefully.xxxxxx

@owen so Grampy just clued me in about how to unlock the magic of "Lilac". He didn't know until you told him. Do other people just "know", magically, that if you tap on the words it is possible to go from a single small poem to a world of music, art and poetry? I could have gone on forever without knowing that. Surely I can't be alone. Why would anyone think to do that?

@B just speaking for myself I think that all pressure and anxiety about presents should just be allowed to float out the door. We are going to make a big effort to zoom and connect over Christmas and that's the part that's a present for us.
We have a terrible time coming up with our own wish lists because we really can't think of anything we really want. Also, who says stuff has to arrive by Christmas? Isn't it always a happy thing to get a surprise? This has been a horrible year so let's not add to the misery by adding more pressure. Hopefully, this will be a "unique" Christmas so let's just relax any "rules"

@Leo Those look great! I can almost taste them. If only.....

@Leo is Moby smiling? Happy dog. What kind is he?

Always hard to think up a Christmas wish list but here are a few ideas:

The photo book

Two or three glass bowls that are microwavable. These would be for melting butter or chocolate, warming things up. All our bowls get hot in the microwave.

Scarf, strong colors versus pastels, flowers, abstracts, solids, square or rectangular


. Quiet by Susan Cain

. Almost Everything: Notes on Hope by Ann
. Lamont

. The Gift of Imperfection by Brene
. Brown

Wow! That is definitely worthy of notice. I'm wondering if some dark side of me will miss getting riled up several times a day by the news. I will try to move past that.

Proud Baba! This is not the time to focus on the fact that I took up a legal pad size paper doodling and often forgot what I was going for. Is it really important that one gets the right answer or is the joy of the challenge not enough?!

@B drats! Another theory bites the dust.

I've spent the last hour working numbers on my math tablet trying to figure what else you might have been doing. It is clear I am not ready to move on in math. Don't forget, if you go to bed at 10pm and can't play music until at least 6am that takes up 2912 hours a year right there! I think.

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Baba's choices:

Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people