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Welcoming incoming students today! Funny to be on the other side.

@Leo and marscapone and white wine! It was delicious

Slowly starting to get settled in! Moving casualties include this strip of the TV and Tardis' heat lamp :(

@Leo it's very comfortable! It was cleaned with a wet vac before we got there and a team of dads loaded it into the car for us

I got the Simon's Rock community director job! My first day is August 7th.

Photo dump round two- the exhibition! Opening night was super fun. I sold a piece, was drawn by my ceramic professors kid, and then had pizza at a rooftop bar with my friends.

I also never posted these... Leo and his cool new office!!

(I know he's done lots of reorganizing in it since this was taken, so this can be the before photo)

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people