@Baba Leo got to sleep which is good! I got to my hotel a little after 1am and had to leave again at 5am... Not ideal. On the plane headed home now though!

Didn't actually take many photos... But a very eventful trip! Got to hang out with lots of friends, see the KCAI shows, went to the new aquarium, and had a very long coffee chat with my favorite professor.

Had to completely rebook my flight and am now spending the night in Charlotte due to flight craziness (a storm I think), which took many tries to communicate with American Airlines and a lot of crying, but it is as sorted as it's gonna be now.

Did someone send us a mattress topper? Picked up the mail this morning and am very perplexed

@Baba thank you!! Probably my best steak yet (not that I cook it very often). Plus B taught me how to make Caesar when he was here :)

Calendar reminder that Leo's bday is two weeks from today... start harassing him for gift ideas

Hey y'all! Leo and I will not be able to attend the zoom this weekend because of work, and I would love to be out of "Warwick's turn" purgatory. This makes it Chloe's turn next, I think?

So, here's a silly experiment I was going to do on the zoom instead of a "real" game- I think it will actually work better on this format anyway. This is round one.


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