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@Leo apple pie, garlic mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus, and lemon-honey-herb chicken!

Warwick boosted

@ChrisFerris I asked!
(And also pointed out it was exactly like the soup I make but beef instead of chicken and potatoes instead of rice)

@Baba thank you for recommending it! It was a beautiful show

We just found a good deal for plane tickets and went ahead and jumped on it!

Arriving in Denver at 8:41pm on Tuesday, December 19.

Leaving 6am Thursday, January 4.

I will likely head to NM 22nd/23rd- my mother often doesn't do much in the way of Christmas shopping until I'm there, so I don't want to push it too far. Then back 30th-ish. Not totally sure yet though.

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people