@B gross
@warwick_willow mystery was sort of solved-we think when we ordered a vacuum, they sent us this instead?
@B fuck yeah!
@ChrisFerris looks amazing!
@Baba sounds amazing!
@grampyfr stunning!!
@Baba @warwick_willow I started learning karate in January. This is actually my second promotion, we just didn't get a pic of the 1st!
@B yes I was definitely inspired and interested by the logos that use negative space, the FedEx logo was one of my research images!
Okay okay, here it is:
-a new multitool (my old one got lost in one of the many moves this summer): https://www.leatherman.com/wingman-11.html
-socks from blue q
-one of those bags that are full of rice or beans or beads or whatever and lavender that you microwave and then put on your shoulders or neck or whatever
-gift cards to GameStop or Nintendo eshop
Sorry for taking so long. My brain's been fuzzy from the sickness.
@B Logan Paul bunyan
@Baba when you press the reply button on a post it's the globe button at the bottom of the text box (circled in the picture) then you select the direct button (also circled in the other picture). Hope that helps!
@B definitely misread this clue as "basketball snack pirate" and was completely confused on how this game works
@Baba woah! That's amazing
Problem child #2