Day #2
I think we might've found a winner! 2 bedrooms in South Boston, 20 min commute to Emerson, super dog friendly and the landlord seems really nice and accommodating. We applied, we will keep you posted!

Day #1 We lost the Madison apartment, the Hamilton Union apartment was an immediate no, but the Winthrop apartment and the Summer St apartment are still in the running! We managed to schedule a couple extra tours tomorrow, stay tuned! (Pics 1&2 are summer st, 3&4 are Winthrop)

We're making a tent onstage for our (last) senior's thesis next week


Thanksgiving feast week part 2!
1. Popcorn and toast
2. Thanksgiving dinner: Roast chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, and asparagus
3. Leftover chicken soup with rice

PS Warwick got a new belt too, different days otherwise we'd be in the same pic

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Did a quick trip to Boston to visit the Emerson open house, lots of fun, lots of information, my brain is mush! But here is some pics, one is the view from the grad student lounge and the other is the capital building from the park Emerson surrounds

It's starting to come together. The show might suck but it will look great

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people