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Something is missing in this photo…us! Enjoy.

Grampy is at it again. This time it is Turkish Flat Bread. The house smells amazing.

Always wise to heed your Baba’s wise words.

@warwick_willow @Leo
Are those holes in the screen from a previous bear attempt??

Yes, I just read about two people who were eaten, well, killed by a black bear in some national park. Just saying…

I’d say this sounds like a great vacation. Enjoy it all!

That chair looks so great! Can’t believe how it picks up the color in the rug. Excellent find.

This may not be for everyone’s taste but Grampy and I are currently loving an a capella singing group on YouTube called “Voces 8”. So pure and perfect, hard to believe. They are lovely to listen to, say on Spotify, but i really love to watch them. Just saying…

It was a great hit. He also made bagels and had all kinds of toppings. Wow!

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Grampy made sourdough and
Challah for his men’s group today, and chili with fixin’s, earlier in the week. Yea, Grampy

Thanks for making the effort to do that. I appreciate it and our friend, Alex, will to, I’m sure.

Totally transformed. The grain really shines through now. Great job!

Wow! That looks terrific! Do you have a “before” photo?

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Baba's choices:

Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people