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Will we need any special equipment, clothing, costume or medical supplies?

@B only nine tries this time. Really clever. Should have paid attention to Charlie.

What can I say, a rainy day in the cozy window seat with Grampy’s Yeasted Apple Coffee Cake. Hard to beat that.

I would have this one but you used the word “bulk” twice and they both disappear if you get one, leaving only three words at the end. Just saying…i know the category but it won’t go without the fourth word. Otherwise, it was super fun.

Very clever. I needed a hint to get started but then i got it.

Grampy and friends at the Bainbridge Island troll, named Pia the peacemaker.

@BThree cheers for you! An amazing feat.

We went to dinner at a cool place for Grampy’s birthday. Had a tall and yummy salad, chicken with fig mole, a cocktail with a spicy hot rim and a little cordial with dessert. Totally hit the spots.

Breakfast at the High Spot with Chloe. So great to see her.

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Baba's choices:

Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people