That place looks great. What a week you are about to have. Enjoy it all!
@Chloe who knows? Maybe your luck is changing.
Very very cool. Can’t wait to see the final product.
Grampy tested negative on Sunday and I tested positive. We like to take turns. I’m taking Paxlovid and am feeling exactly like i have felt for the past two weeks, like a bad cold. We no longer have to isolate from each other so that’s the best news. I’m getting lots off sleep and eating chocolate cake so all is well.
Super fun!
I just keep going back and back to look at your work. Wonderful. A couple of pieces remind me of Clarice Cliff, whose work we saw in London. Color me wowed.
Wow! Beautiful things!! Well done Warwick!!
Very helpful. Thanks.
A couple of questions… are you wanting a lavender neck pillow or bed pillow? More details on camera lens (for what camera etc). Warm clothes like sweaters? What sizes? You are a very good person for giving such a great list.
@Leo @warwick_willow
The pie looks perfect!
Woo woo, way to go, Leo!!! I hope you will keep this up. I’m so sorry i never did.
Lovely green.
Something that would feature direct interaction with people vs research or behind the scenes sort of work.