@Baba thank you so much!
I got my photos back from my work this semester!
@Chloe is the gold hoops just a general color preference or do you have a metal allergy/specific metal preference?
@Baba @Leo it definitely was!
overall a success!
pizza pizza
Last first day of school!
some more of Leos recent cooking adventures, with ingredients from the farmers market and my school garden. herbal tea blend, vanilla and blackberry-lemon ice cream, and a roasted tomato cream sauce.
Its beautiful and chilly here. I stopped at a elephant seal beach on the way up- they are crazy big
a couple of photos from the Leo rescue mission this weekend
a little bit of Leo’s birthday
at meow wolf this weekend :)
Leo got a shout out in his professional production! This is in the slideshow that plays before every show.
@Baba 5318 Olive St, Kansas City, MO 64130
olive st mornings :)
@ChrisFerris Aw! Yay!
@Leo hey where are the chocolate ones
a social media site for nice people