Also just FYI the link is to Nintendo Switches in general, if you scroll down you will see the one I want
Okay everyone, here is my long awaited birthday wishlist (In order of most desired):
-A Nintendo Switch with red and blue joy-cons(Not a nintendo switch Lite)
And games-Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8, or Super Smash Brothers Ultimate (also in that order)
-A trunk organizer for my car
-A Petco Gift Card
The other day I asked some of my Instagram friends to name some stuff and I would try to write a poem about them. I had less than 24 hours to respond to everyone! I'm trying to get back into writing and this was a fun way to force myself to just do it. Anyways I thought I'd share some of the poems here (keep in mind, they were all written within like 20 mins and they're meant to mostly be light hearted and fun)
@owen dude!
Hey everyone! There's been some confusion around what my new address is (there's two apartment buildings across from each other owned by the same people) but I cleared everything up. So, if you ever want to mail me something or need my address, here it is:
214 Emanuel Cleaver II
Apartment 2E
Kansas City, MO
@ChrisFerris those look great!
@ChrisFerris he's so sweet
@B bro don't worry about it, I don't know if any of us will have things ready on time
@ChrisFerris not all of them! But yeah pretty much
@warwick_willow hey fuck off
Problem child #2