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@B @owen

I don't think I was ever in the Madrona studio, although that doesn't really make sense.

Hi, Pat! Those photos make the space look much roomier. Hope it works out the way you want.
Stay safe on your trip.

@owen @B
When I checked out the Dutch encyclopedia for Bill, I typed my name in the box at the top right, Zoeken, and things popped up! This is the first time I have ever found anything about me on the internet. It's not much, just parts in ballets, but it was fun to see.

Also, by coincidence, I saw the "thread" between you and your dad about the fonts I think. That conversation was nowhere else that I saw. How does a thread happen?

@owen @B I am still figuring things out here. Thanks for the suggestions. If I just put something in the "what's on your mind" place, it just goes in a space for everyone but if I push the arrow in response to someone, it goes to them specifically but also everyone can see it?

@owen @B
I just can't believe what you have found and pursued. What a wonderful chance to get these photos. Your dad should choose. You are awesome!

More on the programs...Christopher, look for the name Christine Anthony. She is your godmother and has had quite a distinguished career as an international teacher.

regarding the pages I just sent....All of this back and forth got me curious so I found a couple of old programs from Het Nationaal Ballet from 1963. Find Waldo by looking for Helen Kane and Bill Earl.

@owen @B
I have never seen either the nudes or the ones in costume and I have looked him up before. Where did you find them?!


@owen @B
I have never seen either the nudes or the ones I'm costume and I have looked him up. Where did you find them?!

@B @owen
What a dreadfully sad dream. Maybe this time of year brings this up. Some wounds can scar but never really heal. Extra love today.

Yes! This was a photo by Carl Van Vechten. This was before I met him but probably not much before, maybe 1959-60.

@owen Regarding the font.....I'm feeling a bit dense but what should I be seeing that is different from what you first sent us?

Wow! That is so interesting. I wonder where this picture was taken and how anyone got it. Looks like he's teaching, is older thanNYCBallet days, had a beard etc. Glad to see this.

Oh, I'm so glad you said something. I just thought you weren't doing much on tin can. I've missed so much and am so glad to be with you in this way. Hooray! The Alzheimer's dancer bit is horrifying but amazing, where did you find that picture of your dad, why is landscaping the best to go??????

@owen @B
I have seen this ballet a couple of times in person and was delighted to be reminded of that by this clip. Thanks for posting it. It made me smile.

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