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this is the very first rough draft of the song about my first day of school. I don't know why I'm so intent on sharing every step of the creative process with everyone but it's helping me get through these weirdo times.

I want this one to have a second half that's entirely instrumental cello + clarinet + piano. have to find a cellist.

Let me know what you think. I'm feeling like this is too slow. Much love!

I made a pie chart of the kinds of content one can expect here on the Tin Can Phone Club

@B @Baba


Still haven't gotten a verdict on which 5 Van Vechten pictures to request high quality copies

@B @Baba

New York City Ballet production of "Monumentum pro Gesualdo"

November, 1960

He's difficult to make out in most of these.

This is the book I'm using as a reference for my historical revival project for school. It's from the 1400s. Someday it will be a downloadable font I think.

I think three of them are actual garbage but the rest taste fine so 9/12 passing grade I guess

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people