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@Baba @warwick_willow
I think a family field trip to the Kemper museum in May is a good idea. It's such a nice size.

@warwick_willow where's the Daum museum? These are some interesting pieces!

@Baba yes soap and stones in anchovy cans. The other is circuit boards

Two examples of recycled art at the Kemper museum in KC. Guess what they are made of?

Everytime I went in the basement to change the laundry these two would be waiting for me to return.

@warwick_willow wow! I especially love the fairy homes and the vase. Great color combos. I can see the art deco influence in the shapes.

My Xmas list in no particular order:
New Louise Penny book
Warm cozy bathrobe in blue, purple, red, pink or green
A small portable Bluetooth speaker
Fireplace tools
Logistical help w getting my query letters sent out for my book
New playlists on Spotify good for driving. Skiing, or dog walking or relaxing evening music
A nicer pair of silver or gold hoop earrings
New cookbook

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