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Alert the media! I shot the moon in hearts for the very first time ever. I was channeling you, Leo.

This was the side pancake that came with bacon and eggs! So American.

I think the storm has past. Power is back on. We drove along the ocean today and sat on the beach for awhile. Also view from Eric and Susan’s deck. It’s all lovely.

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Grampy is at it again. Tonight it was lemon risotto, seared scallops and a veggie melange. And he is all mine!

Grampy has a Christmas wish! A book called “A Romance on Three Legs, Glenn Gould’s Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Piano”.

I know that Grampy is the hardest person to find gifts for and he can’t seem to think of anything when pushed. He usually says he wants only things he can eat so maybe a pound of dark roast coffee or some chocolates. Generally he has stopped eating sugar but chocolates are the rare exception, plus i can help him eat those, too! A gift certificate to Red Arrow coffee shop would always be used and i could pick that you for anyone who might want that. Otherwise, anything you stumble on that makes you think of him would be great.

I forgot to put it but i always want the photo book and G’s calendar.

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