@owen WTF?
@Chloe It all looks so...European. Fantastic!
@owen Oh, man. That looks like fun. Totes jelly.
@Chloe Yum!
@owen That's a serious left-handed stretch, Mr. Liszt.
@owen Fantastic! The artwork and ads alone are wonderful. I'm sure the writing is top notch as well, but who has time for that?
@owen Looks tasty! I always felt Europe was in the past, and now we know by how much. Twenty-three years. You're gonna love the new Millennium, dude.
@owen Tres European. Tinka's such a ballerina. I've met a few.
@owen I play in Bb, although I know my voicings are off. Would love to see the sheet music.
@Leo Right in the feels.