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@Chloe It all looks so...European. Fantastic!

I just want everybody on this platform to know that I love them very much.❤️

@owen Oh, man. That looks like fun. Totes jelly.

Thanks for getting TCPC back up and running, Owen. Nice to see your face. Looking forward to seeing it in person soon.

@owen That's a serious left-handed stretch, Mr. Liszt.

@owen Fantastic! The artwork and ads alone are wonderful. I'm sure the writing is top notch as well, but who has time for that?

@owen Looks tasty! I always felt Europe was in the past, and now we know by how much. Twenty-three years. You're gonna love the new Millennium, dude.

@owen Tres European. Tinka's such a ballerina. I've met a few.

@owen I play in Bb, although I know my voicings are off. Would love to see the sheet music.

Figured out how to play First Day of School on the piano last night. And then burst into tears. Miss you something fierce, Owen.

Earl Boyz in the hizouse! Or on the phozone, more accurately.

Got an appointment for my first dose this Saturday. Took a long time to nail this down, very excited to get microchipped.

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people