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@ChrisFerris These taste as good as they look. Had a classic smoked fish (not lox) sandwich for lunch today. Yum!

@Baba Can't tell you how much I wish we were all there right now. All the love...

Having a very hard time organizing myself around Christmas presents this year. Usually, the gathering is the present, but that's obviously not going to happen. Every time I try to think about Christmas, I just get sad, and I've been so slammed at work that I haven't had much chance to shop or plan anything this year. Afraid everything's going to be both a) lame and b) late. 2020 not letting up for even a minute on the way out.

@grampyfr Ooh. Those look like the real deal. Can't wait to try them. Let's face it, I can't wait to see any of you again, bagels or not.

I just noticed looking through my Google News feed this morning that there's not a single story about Trump or the election on the front page. Small victory, but I'll take it.

@Baba The joy of the challenge is the best. Unless you're an engineer, in which case correctness beats enjoyment.

@Baba I'm sure I've actually listened to more than that this year. Especially working from home, I've got music on probably eight hours a day, which would mean close to 3000 hours for the year, just not through Spotify. I love that you're seeing math in the world and that it triggers you to dig in and start running the numbers. Bravo!

@Baba The unspoken piece of the Spotify number is that I use a tool to download material from Spotify to store locally. It "streams" the music to download it, but I'm not actively listening to it while it does that. So that often does happen while I'm asleep.

According to Spotify, I streamed 72,115 minutes of music this year.
1202 hours.
50 days.
Seems a little light to me.

@Baba Yeah, it's just set to Public. Check the tabs when you follow the link. There are a couple of different list view tabs, maybe you're looking at a different one.

@Baba That's so odd. It does come up for me, but I wonder if that's just a general link to take you to your own wish list and mine is coming up because I'm me. If you hover your cursor over the Accounts and Lists at the top right corner of the Amazon home page (when you're logged in) does it show my list as an option?

@Baba Yeah, that's not right. Don't know what you're looking at. It should have some cookbooks, some Twin Peaks stuff, The Familiar series of books, some animation...

Here's my Amazon wishlist. Don't have to buy through Amazon if you hate Bezos, but at least it's all in one spot. Added a few items this morning. No particular order, but, for example, if you're interested in the Familiar series, it would be nice to start at the beginning. Cheers!

@owen Ah, yes, Ludemann! You turned me on to him a while ago and I have a couple of albums of his. Great stuff.

@owen Quarter-tone pianos! Never heard of such a thing.

I love that these posts are called "toots".

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