@Baba Yeah, it's just set to Public. Check the tabs when you follow the link. There are a couple of different list view tabs, maybe you're looking at a different one.
@Baba (Nothing personal, Pops)
@Baba Probably isn't shared to Frank
@Baba That's so odd. It does come up for me, but I wonder if that's just a general link to take you to your own wish list and mine is coming up because I'm me. If you hover your cursor over the Accounts and Lists at the top right corner of the Amazon home page (when you're logged in) does it show my list as an option?
@Baba Yeah, that's not right. Don't know what you're looking at. It should have some cookbooks, some Twin Peaks stuff, The Familiar series of books, some animation...
Here's my Amazon wishlist. Don't have to buy through Amazon if you hate Bezos, but at least it's all in one spot. Added a few items this morning. No particular order, but, for example, if you're interested in the Familiar series, it would be nice to start at the beginning. Cheers!
@owen Ah, yes, Ludemann! You turned me on to him a while ago and I have a couple of albums of his. Great stuff.
@owen Quarter-tone pianos! Never heard of such a thing.
@owen @grampyfr Found this series of podcasts on modern music. Listened to the first one about tuning systems and found it quite fascinating. I'm always amazed at how much music I know about and what a miniscule fraction of what is going on that represents. Site's a little awkward, but there's a couple dozen episodes with transcripts and supplemental material. Cheers!
@owen Here's the quintessential song about just that - which is on Spotify.
or this one...
@owen That's true. Being pretentious isn't illegal.
@owen I feel your pain. So many playlists I've nearly abandoned because the perfect songs aren't on Spotify. It is the most robust public service I've seen, but they are still missing a bunch of great stuff. Wendy Carlos. The second Buggles album. Ad infinitum.