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@owen Also, you should know there were many tracks I either couldn't find on Spotify - like Wendy Carlos' version of Ode to Joy used in Clockwork Orange or the primal Bicycle Built for Two experiments from the mid-60's, and like half the tracks from my old "it's more fun to compute" playlist also qualify, but I didn't want to repeat material.


Owen and I have been sharing Spotify playlists for the past year or so. My rules for making them are that there has to be some sort of thematic unity and it has to be exactly two hours long (as rounded by Spotify). In honor of the book about the history of the vocoder that I'm nearly done reading, I have compiled a playlist of music that features vocoders. There are certain types of music that tend to favor vocoders (Electro - a type of techno - being the most popular), but I've tried pulling examples from other genres. If anybody else is interested in hearing it, the link is posted right after I get my character count to 666. There.

@owen @Baba I'm guessing these 1970 photos are from Madronna. Certainly recognize the studio.

@owen @Baba A bit busy today preparing for our ill-advised adventure, but I'll take a look at the link and see if I can chose five photos. I've got to say, I'm glad you're enjoying the hunt and it's amazing to see all these lost photos, but it's more than a little unsettling for me to be so immersed in his life right now, almost exactly 25 years to the day from his death. Don't want to dissuade you from your treasure hunt and your quest to find out as much as you can about him, but he's not an abstract unknown entity to me and every new picture is a little slap in the face.

@grampyfr I never heard of such a thing. How are they?

@owen It looks like you've arrived, to me.

Great, one week on Tin Can Phone and I'm inundated with nude photos of my dad.

@owen @Baba Yes. That was in Spokane. That was actually the summer I went to visit him there and performed Puss in Boots and Icarus with him.

@Baba That is correct. November 14, 1960, to be precise. From La Sonnambula by Balanchine. Guessing that's "The Sleepwalker".

@owen I had a dream recently that I ran into him and pulled him over to meet you and Leo, but then when I turned around to present him to the two of you, he was gone. Very sad morning. Months go by without a thought about him, and then something like that happens and it feels fresh again.

@owen @Baba At first I was like "hey, you got rid of the watermark!" Then I realized it's a different picture entirely. Impressive sleuthing.

@Baba The teaching photo was on EBay, curiously enough.

@Baba That was 1979, so I'm guessing it's Spokane. I'll post one more I ran across from NYCB days. Don't think I've ever seen him so young.

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