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Great, one week on Tin Can Phone and I'm inundated with nude photos of my dad.

@owen @Baba Yes. That was in Spokane. That was actually the summer I went to visit him there and performed Puss in Boots and Icarus with him.

@Baba That is correct. November 14, 1960, to be precise. From La Sonnambula by Balanchine. Guessing that's "The Sleepwalker".

@owen I had a dream recently that I ran into him and pulled him over to meet you and Leo, but then when I turned around to present him to the two of you, he was gone. Very sad morning. Months go by without a thought about him, and then something like that happens and it feels fresh again.

@owen @Baba At first I was like "hey, you got rid of the watermark!" Then I realized it's a different picture entirely. Impressive sleuthing.

@Baba The teaching photo was on EBay, curiously enough.

@Baba That was 1979, so I'm guessing it's Spokane. I'll post one more I ran across from NYCB days. Don't think I've ever seen him so young.

@Baba After Owen posted the Jerome Robbins clip, I started wondering if my dad might have been one of the men in the piece at some point. So I did a quick search for Bill Earl New York City Ballet and that came up. Along with this...

@owen @Baba Delicious! Who says ballet dancers don't have a sense of humor? You can ask Baba about the lyrics to Swan Lake if you don't believe me.

@owen Makes sense. I figured it was operator error and not a problem with the site. Thanks.

@grampyfr Nice muffins! They look right, even if there's a toastiness missing to their smell.

Haven't spent that much time poking around, but I do have a question about TinCan. Maybe it's just my settings, but all my posts are in reverse chronological order, which is as expected, but if I respond to somebody's post, it doesn't attach itself to that post in any way so unless the response is immediate, it's hard to tell what the response is to. Is there a way to make posts threads with responses posted under the original post?

@owen Funny. They don't talk about Dutch politics on our TV.

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