
this is the very first rough draft of the song about my first day of school. I don't know why I'm so intent on sharing every step of the creative process with everyone but it's helping me get through these weirdo times.

I want this one to have a second half that's entirely instrumental cello + clarinet + piano. have to find a cellist.

Let me know what you think. I'm feeling like this is too slow. Much love!


for reference... here's the same recording sped up 20%

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@owen I might weigh in about this latest song. I actually prefer the slower version because the sadness of the song seems more immediate than the fast version. Perhaps if you recorded it at a faster tempo the subtleties of your voice would come through more, but as of now, I vote for the slow one.

@owen It's beautiful, but sad. Like the rest of the album. I do like the faster version a bit better as I can hold the words in my head more easily and it's not quite so despondent. Rather abrupt ending.

@B yeah not the real ending I just messed up. I'm going to record the faster version properly and see how that sounds.

Wow! It seems you have found the creative sweet spot. Songs are flowing out fast. I have listened to the whole album a few times and it really moves me. Forward!
PS I also listened on the computer instead of my phone. Huge difference in quality. Duh.

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