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Owen boosted
Owen boosted
Owen boosted
Owen boosted
Owen boosted

I wrote music for this (not all music just vocal and piano stuff)

password: monkey

check out the Cowboy Collective Pulp archive.

I am still populating it with pulp magazines so check back in a bit to see an even bigger collection

Pok Pok is closed (possibly permanently) due to the pandemic.

I make fish sauce wings at home and a thai bean sprout salad

have not been here so much recantly because of my broken phone situation. Love you all here are some pictures of when Tinka and Chloe and I danced to some live music at the park.

@B you play in Bb ?

I make sheet music for grampy & Josh

Love you

We make carne asada and Mexican rice and Pico de gallo and beans

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people