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@owen Getting a 404 error for that link. 😕

@Baba I'm supposed to restrict my angles of rotation. Basically no more than 30 degrees in any plane for two weeks, then up to 60, then up to 90, then start PT. I have been using the arm more than I should because it's been feeling pretty good, but I'm putting it at risk.

Got the staples pulled out of my shoulder today. Doctor scolded me for pushing too hard too soon, so I have to try to scale back a bit. Risk of stretching it out too soon and then it becomes unstable and then it pops out and then I have to go back in for another surgery.

@owen Any variations for major or minor? I know we're not talking about single notes anymore, but how would somebody with synathesia "see" different chords?

@owen Yeah, that's how they do it. But how would you do it? What color is B minor? E major?

@owen Also, you can include grey to fill out the primary/secondary sextet if you need seven.

@owen Exactly. I love seven because it is the oddest of the odd numbers, but that's what makes it so hard to work with.

@owen I also like that NBC uses a six color rainbow, which is appropriate. Supposedly Newton forced seven (indigo? really?) because of his deep religiosity and the positive significance of 7 and negative connotation of 6 in Christianity.

@owen Not to be too much the company stooge, but I've always appreciated the NBC colors and how (Hofstader warning) they seem like the "same" shade of each color.

@Baba @owen It's also interesting to me how different it looks at a big display size and at a smaller text size. All these little quirks that are obvious in the title sort of melt away at a smaller size.

@owen Very interesting font. lots of intriguing details - the enormous slabs, the energetic r, the sleepy a. There's a nice tension between solidness and slipperiness. Or whatever fontographers call it.

@owen Oh, man, that looks good. How long did you cook it?

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