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Hey y'all! Leo and I will not be able to attend the zoom this weekend because of work, and I would love to be out of "Warwick's turn" purgatory. This makes it Chloe's turn next, I think?

So, here's a silly experiment I was going to do on the zoom instead of a "real" game- I think it will actually work better on this format anyway. This is round one.

Traded for an office upgrade! (Still shared, you just can't see my coworkers desk behind the door)

Put up our most recent art additions! James Turrell poster from Mass MoCA, Jon Carling prints, and the little moon guy is a grocery store card we liked lol

Photos from the first few days of my tile class- it's going great so far! Students are super engaged and working hard. Cut down the required projects because I realized I assigned too many 😬 - there was no way they would get done even with how well they are doing

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people