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Wishlist in no particular order!

Boots that can hold up to New England snow size w9 m7 (no specific preference on type, as long as they are tallish, water proof, and warm. May be hard to find used/ could be expensive so no pressure. Happy to buy myself some in January)

Mailbox for outside my door (no specific vision/preference on type here- just a mailbox to go on/next to my door in the interior hallway for students to use)

Any print by this artist

Someone to loan me a car to drive down to New Mexico <3

Also would be happy & grateful for any other activities/creative ideas.

Warwick boosted

We just found a good deal for plane tickets and went ahead and jumped on it!

Arriving in Denver at 8:41pm on Tuesday, December 19.

Leaving 6am Thursday, January 4.

I will likely head to NM 22nd/23rd- my mother often doesn't do much in the way of Christmas shopping until I'm there, so I don't want to push it too far. Then back 30th-ish. Not totally sure yet though.

Welcoming incoming students today! Funny to be on the other side.

Slowly starting to get settled in! Moving casualties include this strip of the TV and Tardis' heat lamp :(

I got the Simon's Rock community director job! My first day is August 7th.

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people