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Owen boosted
Owen boosted

I wrote music for this (not all music just vocal and piano stuff)

password: monkey

check out the Cowboy Collective Pulp archive.

I am still populating it with pulp magazines so check back in a bit to see an even bigger collection

Pok Pok is closed (possibly permanently) due to the pandemic.

I make fish sauce wings at home and a thai bean sprout salad

have not been here so much recantly because of my broken phone situation. Love you all here are some pictures of when Tinka and Chloe and I danced to some live music at the park.

We make carne asada and Mexican rice and Pico de gallo and beans for rejected plants

"groene kneusjesbox" is the name of the product

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Owen boosted


the bank that I use for my business bank account is going out of business! I am forced to close out all accounts. currently uses that bank account for payment and it is a new month. There is a decant chance it will try to bill me, fail, and then go offline. I can't fix this without access to my gmail account!


I dropped my phone yesterday and now the screen is totally dead! Can't use it at all and I get my wifi through my phone so no wifi at home.

Then yesterday evening I managed to spill tea on my laptop. Not sure if it's dead because I powered it off right away and am letting it dry today before turning it on again, but there is a decant change I have no laptop and no phone!

I can't sign into my google accounts because of two-factor authentication it wants to send me a text but I have no phone!

I can get into my account still so if you have important messages you can email me there!

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people