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Pok Pok is closed (possibly permanently) due to the pandemic.

I make fish sauce wings at home and a thai bean sprout salad

have not been here so much recantly because of my broken phone situation. Love you all here are some pictures of when Tinka and Chloe and I danced to some live music at the park.

We make carne asada and Mexican rice and Pico de gallo and beans

Someone ought to give me an award in the "I told you so" olympics

going through some 1800s songs and this one is definitely a contender for sketchiest cover page

posted a song yesterday but I was crying in the recording not the best for getting an accurate sense of the song in some ways so here's a marginally better recording.

Also "I'm crying in the recording" is a content warning, it's supposed to warn you about how intense the post is. Click "show more" to see the actual content of my post.

Much love

I'm crying in this recording 

sometimes it feels as though to be alive in this world is to be at war. Every day you have to get up and fight for a cause (a better world, your own right to exist and love). It's a nobel war, but while in the trenches you never get a moment's rest. This is a song to my brave little soldier boy. I wish he could put his gun down but I know he can't.

who has two thumbs and an amazing clarinetist helping to make his songs a reality?

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people