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I just cleaned the guest room. I found a small red Swiss army knife and a tent under the bed. Who do they belong to and do you want it?

Do any of you want this laptop? It's not a Mac but only 2 years old and works well.

You can tell a real Chinese restaurant by their spelling. To be fair I can't read Cantonese never mind spell it.

Casino Night. That's the interior designer in the tan skirt and our architect on the otherside. They have been the two best people on our construction project by miles.

Visit to the past. Deirdre took me to see my old PS 1 classroom which is now the stem lab and I'm having dinner at our favorite sushi place from 1992 until we moved to Culver city.

G boosted

@Baba when you press the reply button on a post it's the globe button at the bottom of the text box (circled in the picture) then you select the direct button (also circled in the other picture). Hope that helps!

I'm glad you got to spend time in Cuba, it's always good to see what life looks like in other countries as we are all encouraged to believe that the way things are here are impossible to change, when there are many other ways of life. Have a smooth trip home. Love mom

I need your great brains.... I need to come up with a name for a donor wall we are doing in the new Highline addition. What should we call it?

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people