@Baba Don't know. I can see it, but don't know if anybody else can
@Baba Precisely! You've got it!
@Baba That's the first half...
@Baba @ChrisFerris Plus this goes well with the handprints throughout the school.
Got a new reservation for Michigan. It's in Frankfort, a couple of blocks from Lake Michigan. Reserved from June 12 - 20. Check it out here: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/791306811324377410?check_in=2024-06-12&check_out=2024-06-20&guests=1&adults=8&s=67&unique_share_id=4baa8b81-2bdc-443a-afc6-7a779fe0a049
Super psyched!
I had an idea for a Zoom game, but I think it's too obscure and difficult to do it on the call, so I'm thinking of posting it here so you can mull it over on your own time. It's called Middle Name, and the answers are three names in which the second name is both the last name of the first person and the first name of the second person. Clue covers both. So, for example, the clue "baseball snack pirate" would lead you to Cracker Jack Sparrow. Heart or thumbs up this post, and I'll post a question a day for a bit.
Try this link for the TC house: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/41108253?guests=1&adults=1&s=67&unique_share_id=6282ddf2-9b50-403c-961a-dbff3f22c0a5
Made reservations for Michigan for June 12-20. Realize not all of you may be able to come for all of it, but am hoping to see most of you for most of the time there. It's gonna be great! Not sure you'll be able to open this, but here's the details: https://www.airbnb.com/trips/v1/e3a9bd04-5ff0-483d-9923-05f99e91a895/ro/RESERVATION2_CHECKIN/HM59Q8YW9M
Looking to plan a summer trip to Michigan for all Tim Canners. Ideal dates - Jun 12-20 (oh look, Baba's birthday week!). I'd like to start nailing down plans, could you all let me know if you think these days will work or if there's a better window around that time. That's really the only time G can swing it, but we can slide a couple of days one way or the other if needed. Let me know!
@ChrisFerris The table looks great in the space - nicely done. But the angle makes it look like the floor is crooked but the table is straight. Weird.