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More of a lazy day today, didn't go out until the afternoon and just walked around the neighborhood. Owen chatted with a street jazz band, we went to a cafe/bookstore, and wandered around a flea market (not pictured, but the Kings writing desk is)

I made a collage thing about the impending decision I have to make. A College Collage if you will

Also just FYI the link is to Nintendo Switches in general, if you scroll down you will see the one I want

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Okay everyone, here is my long awaited birthday wishlist (In order of most desired):
-A Nintendo Switch with red and blue joy-cons(Not a nintendo switch Lite)
And games-Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8, or Super Smash Brothers Ultimate (also in that order)
-A trunk organizer for my car
-A Petco Gift Card

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people