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Got added to the Simon's Rock staff and Faculty Directory

Final day: stage managed the invited scene showcase and attended the closing ceremonies! I got to see 10 shows this week and attended at least that many workshops if not more. I'm very grateful for getting the opportunity to attend this conference, it was worth every second!

Day 5: Stage Crew Olympics, 2 more shows (Alabaster and Stupid Fucking Bird), one workshop, an interview with the Santa Fe Opera Company, and LGBTQ+ game night

Day 3: the designers and management expo opened to the public (my book was displayed on a table for anyone to look through). Two more shows, one workshop, and my interview, I think it went well!

Day 1: getting settled into my home for the week + one of the theatre spaces. If I manage to get (free) tickets to each show I want to see, I will get to watch 11 performances this week!

I've been expirementing with self-portraits recently. I made this a while ago but never posted it here. This is called "Lost 18"

Adventures in Rotterdam part 2: boat tour of the Port and a delicious dinner right off one of the canals in the Hague. Don't be fooled by the grey skies, the weather was absolutely perfect. Only 7.8 miles of walking today

Adventures in Rotterdam: the free section of the maritime museum (black smiting demo), the train station, the harbor, and a pedestrian tunnel that goes underwater (and is kinda creepy)

Baba is this the house? We weren't sure if we found the right one but we took pics of us infront of it anyway. (Bonus pics of the neighborhood we were wandering around in)

More of a lazy day today, didn't go out until the afternoon and just walked around the neighborhood. Owen chatted with a street jazz band, we went to a cafe/bookstore, and wandered around a flea market (not pictured, but the Kings writing desk is)

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people