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Connections - G's connections #1

Fun to make- it's hard to tell how easy or hard it is?

Today we did a short hike at the trail of tbe cedars and then went to the bison range where we saw buffalo both near and far.

Yesterday we went to another side of the park to a place called Polebridge. We hiked and had lunch at a little canteen with the Swasquatch.

What if I tell you that what I want most for my birthday is for each of you to volunteer in some way for the Harris campaign?

I'm sure you can find other options to volunteer as well as these, but heres one more ,if you want to support Harris online, here's a training on how to campaign via social media.

If phone banking sounds too scary how about writing notes to remind people how important it is to vote? They give you a letter with a space for you to say why you think it's important to vote. You sign them and then mail the, so easy. And it matters!

Hey family, pick one thing to do for the Harris-Walz campaign! I just did phone banking for an hour from my computer they organize it really well. I got to call registered Dems in swing states to ask them to volunteer and it was inspiring to hear how many already were. Here's the link to try

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people