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If you need some inspiration, the second half of this podcast is an interview Kamala Harris from 2023. She's so smart direct and unapologetic.

Dad and I tried the famous Looking Good restaurant on Sheridan. It was decent food and excellent decor. And yes those are all Elvis statues. 14 of them.

We went to see Josh Johnson last night. He's a great comedian who just started working on the daily show.

Puzzle #393

Which category did you get first, if you did today's connections?

And yes the ice cream cone is shaped like a fish with its mouth open. You can get it filled with custard or red bean paste then the soft serve goes on top.

Show thread

I'm enjoying Boston. Here I am presenting at the conference, having dinner w my friend from college Rebecca, enjoying the happy hour last night on the rooftop bar of Legal Seafood and about to try Japanese ice cream.

Wordle 1,104 2/6
Whoot, whoot!

I seem to be having a lucky day.
Puzzle #382

Wordle 1,102 2/6


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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people