@Leo Super exciting. I'm jelly!
@Leo Some say love, it is a river...Love seeing/hearing this so much!❤️
Sorry, there's a revised version of Audio Culture...https://www.amazon.com/Audio-Culture-Revised-Readings-Modern/dp/1501318365/ref=d_pd_sbs_sccl_1_1/146-7613300-2755400?pd_rd_w=4ooVM&content-id=amzn1.sym.d8274306-8eaa-4da3-9175-aca6400f9aa9&pf_rd_p=d8274306-8eaa-4da3-9175-aca6400f9aa9&pf_rd_r=N74PJHC8SEW1PDXVTJQ2&pd_rd_wg=8rIRA&pd_rd_r=11b427f2-df74-4e1e-b545-d4fc4f66b94f&pd_rd_i=1501318365&psc=1
A couple I forget, to be inserted somewhere in the list:
Doesn't have to be from Amazon, of course. Cheers!
Renewed subscription to The Wire (not Wired) magazine for christophearl@yahoo.com.
Mark Fisher – K Punk: Collected Writings
The Stories of Vladimir Nabukov
Chuck Klosterman - The Visible Man and/or Downtown Owl
Spin Alternative Record Guide
Craig Thompson – Blankets
Daniel Clowes – The Complete Eightball
Tony Godfrey – The Story of Contemporary Art
Quentin Tarantino – Cinema Speculation
@Leo I like the double helix bulb
@Leo Love that art gallery - free coffee! And that the library was built by asking every artist who exhibits there to contribute to it.