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Truly the most confusing hospital I've been in. It's still being built and half the signs point to things that haven't been built yet.

Today I drove to Albuqurque and apparently supported womens right by eating m&ms?

4:40 am. The dog clearly thought I was insane this morning. She might not be wrong.

Two examples of recycled art at the Kemper museum in KC. Guess what they are made of?

Everytime I went in the basement to change the laundry these two would be waiting for me to return.

My Xmas list in no particular order:
New Louise Penny book
Warm cozy bathrobe in blue, purple, red, pink or green
A small portable Bluetooth speaker
Fireplace tools
Logistical help w getting my query letters sent out for my book
New playlists on Spotify good for driving. Skiing, or dog walking or relaxing evening music
A nicer pair of silver or gold hoop earrings
New cookbook

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people