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Drawer front on piece I am refinishing. Left old finish, right new finish. Trying to decide what color to paint base as the wood is too damaged to refinish.

Concert on the roof of the CMA. It was super nice out and the view was great. Music was ok

Went to my first Leadership Denver class. Long but great day. I wound up twinning with a woman named Hollie, we decided next time we'd both wear red.

Deirdre and Brenda are visiting and we spent the day biking around lake dillon on e-bikes.

It was strange to be in KC with Leo and Warwick, and with no Moby in the house. We went for ice cream at Betty Raes and Chloe is standing in front of where warwick used to work. And the last is one of those weird road trip signs in some gas station restroom...

More interesting details from our airbnb. I'm sensing a theme. Raes bring discharged today. We'll stay in ABQ for first night then take her home.

Truly the most confusing hospital I've been in. It's still being built and half the signs point to things that haven't been built yet.

Today I drove to Albuqurque and apparently supported womens right by eating m&ms?

4:40 am. The dog clearly thought I was insane this morning. She might not be wrong.

Two examples of recycled art at the Kemper museum in KC. Guess what they are made of?

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people