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At a volunteer food bank this morning. They sure know how to advertise

78 miles over 6.5 hours. Beautiful day and worth it for the jersey, but remind me never to do this again.

Here's (most of) the ribbon cutting ceremony at Highline South-East. ❤️

Here's my one week check in. Thanks again so much, this is a blast! ❤️

Blast from the past - listening to old Pogo tracks.

Also, nice to read that Frank is learning to play the clarinet. Good luck with that!

I love the Zoom AI recaps. You can tell it's skewed to thinking of us as a business team and also the limitations of AI. Took me a while to figure out who Monkey Giants were, although, to be fair, that is a more likely name than what we actually said.

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Tin Can Phone Club

a social media site for nice people