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Will recap the Middle Names at the end of the week.

Today's entry: The Droid of the Magi

If anybody's interested in responding to the daily Middle Name, please check Owen's post about responding to a single person instead of to the group. Click the globe under the comment box and choose Direct instead of Public.

Alternate clue for today: Who's Afraid of Folklore?

Yesterday: The Diary of a transexual from Transylvania: Anne Frankenfurter.

Today: Cleopatra Eras

For my Middle Name puzzles, I recommend you text them to me so as not to spoil it for everybody else. Actually, Leo recommends that, and I think that's swell

The Diary of a transexual from Transylvania.

Got a new reservation for Michigan. It's in Frankfort, a couple of blocks from Lake Michigan. Reserved from June 12 - 20. Check it out here:

Super psyched!

First Middle Name puzzle:

Goodbye Yellow Brick Country Roads.

I had an idea for a Zoom game, but I think it's too obscure and difficult to do it on the call, so I'm thinking of posting it here so you can mull it over on your own time. It's called Middle Name, and the answers are three names in which the second name is both the last name of the first person and the first name of the second person. Clue covers both. So, for example, the clue "baseball snack pirate" would lead you to Cracker Jack Sparrow. Heart or thumbs up this post, and I'll post a question a day for a bit.

Likely cancelling the TC house. 😞 Only one bathroom, and that seems to outweigh the location. Will keep hunting.

Made reservations for Michigan for June 12-20. Realize not all of you may be able to come for all of it, but am hoping to see most of you for most of the time there. It's gonna be great! Not sure you'll be able to open this, but here's the details:

Looking to plan a summer trip to Michigan for all Tim Canners. Ideal dates - Jun 12-20 (oh look, Baba's birthday week!). I'd like to start nailing down plans, could you all let me know if you think these days will work or if there's a better window around that time. That's really the only time G can swing it, but we can slide a couple of days one way or the other if needed. Let me know!

I know I've been remiss about posting my Christmas list, and for that I apologize. Biggest issue for me is that what I really want, I can't have, and what I can have, I don't really want. Having said that, clothes are near the top of my list. I am bored with my outfits, but even more bored with my body, so thinking about shopping for something to wear is an exercise in existential angst. I have no idea what I look like or what looks good on me, but I do recognize that almost everything I own is stained and too small, so I could use some help in that department. Shirts, specifically. I also like getting books, so a gift card for that would be great.

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